High QUALITY medical care at AFFORDABLE rates
with NO waiting period

Send reports

Step 1: The patient sends out his/her detailed medical reports and prescriptions

Case evaluation

Step 2: The medical records are shared with our doctors to get an expert review

Cost estimation

Step 3: The best medical plan is chosen and the cost estimation is provided

Review by patient

Step 4: Patients reviews the proposed plan and chooses the hospital

Plan travel

Step 5: Patients sets out to travel for medical treatment

Top Hospitals

Why choose India as a medical tourism destination?

Medical Tourism in India is a million-dollar booming business, drawing loads of overseas patients. Medical Travel India is projected to capture 2.5% of the International Medical Tourism Market by the year 2012, with concurrent revenue projects of $ 2.3 billion. It has been estimated, that the Medical Tourism Industry in India will attract over 1.1 million patients from across the globe, by the end of 2012.

Contemporary and state-of-the-art infrastructure, high-end technological support, and excellent quality of health care make India, an alluring Medical Trip destination, chiefly for patients in the U.K., and the U.S., where healthcare costs are exceedingly steep. Coming to India for a Medical Trip helps save a significant amount of money, sometimes to the tune of 50 % to 70 %.


Importantly, the low cost of medical care, in no way indicates substandard or poor quality. Indian hospitals provide first-class services and facilities. Also, Medical Travel to India helps to do away with the long waiting lines that patients experience in their home country, and thus, assists them in gaining easy access to timely medical care.


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